Parapotamos, Larissa, Greece


Feta Cheese PDO Avramoulis in a filo pastry with sesame and honey

Feta Cheese PDO Avramoulis in a sesame and honey filo crust combines the salty rich taste of Feta with the crispy crust, while the sesame adds a delightful texture. Honey completes the dish with a sweet note, creating a culinary masterpiece that harmonizes contrasts in an excellent way.







Feta Cheese PDO Avramoulis in a filo pastry with sesame and honey

Feta Cheese PDO Avramoulis in a sesame and honey filo crust combines the salty rich taste of Feta with the crispy crust, while the sesame adds a delightful texture. Honey completes the dish with a sweet note, creating a culinary masterpiece that harmonizes contrasts in an excellent way.








200 g of Avramoulis feta

3 crust sheets

3 tbsp olive oil

3 tbsp Sesame

3 tbsp honey

200 gr. olive oil for frying

Execute Recipe

  • Cut the Feta Cheese PDO Avramoulis in 3 large rectangular pieces. We put them on absorbent paper to drain well.
  • Open the crust sheet on our counter. Add some olive oil.
  • We put a piece of Feta Cheese PDO Avramoylis on the narrow side. We start to wrap it by turning the slice once in the direction of the leaf. Then we put the left and right side of the leaf towards the middle. We continue to turn the slice until the end so that it is wrapped. Spread a little water on the edges so that the filo sticks.
  • We make the other two pieces in the same way.
  • Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. After it is well heated, fry each piece for 1-2 minutes until it takes on color. Take it out on absorbent paper. Alternatively, we can bake them on non-stick paper in a preheated oven at 200o until they take on color.
  • Serve with honey and sesame.